The Working Mom Conference

Marketing Kit

This marketing kit has been developed to help you promote your conference participation and support.

Conference Name: The Working Mom Conference 2024

Conference Hashtag: #WMC2024

When Referencing “The Working Mom Conference” in writing:

First reference: “WMC—MOMS Who Change the World: Join the Movement..”

Second+ reference: “WMC"

#WMC2024—Tweet, Post, Share!

Starter posts to support your social media presence.

Be sure to include the official conference hashtag (#WMC2024) in your posts to join the discussion!

  • “I’m excited to be attending #WMC2024! Will I see you there?"

  • “I am speaking at #WMC2024! Join me on <<day>> at <<time>> for a discussion on <<topic>>”

  • “Join us on <<day>> at <<time>> during #WMC2024 for our <<presentation [panel discussion, workshop, etc.]>> on <<topic>>”

  • “Join us on <<day>> at <<time>> during #WMC2024 to hear from experts <<tag speakers>> discussing <<topic>>”

  • “We’re an official vendor at #WMC2024! Stop by The Mompreneur Marketplace, browse our resources, products, learn how our solutions are right for you, and chat with women business owners.”

Spread the Word!

Ad templates to help spread the word about The Working Mom Conference!

To download graphics, follow these steps:

Right mouse click or click and hold on the graphic until a dialog box appears.

Select “Save image as…”

A box will pop up asking you where you want to save the image. Choose a location.

Click on the “save” button.